Category: Logos

Brentwood Marketing-Media-SEO-Creative-and-Content-and-Websites v1

Brentwood Marketing Agency wins Global SEO Agency Award

Best SEO Agency 2021 Award goes to MC2 Marketing… Website and Marketing agency based in the UK has landed the WooRank Best SEO Agency Strategy Award for their work on The Social Golfer. In its inaugural year, the Global online Website Business Auditing Tool for Small Businesses and Agencies, set about inviting web developers and…
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Search Engine Optimisation - Google Analytics, Google Search Console - MC2 Marketing

The Ever Changing World of Media

In 2021, the world of media is changing at a faster rate than ever before. As well as managing your offline reputation, your ‘online’ reputation can make or break your business. And we are now living in a review culture! Overall, there is nothing new in this as ‘Word of Mouth’ has always been the best…
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