Brentwood Marketing Agency wins Global SEO Agency Award

Best SEO Agency 2021 Award goes to MC2 Marketing...
Website and Marketing agency based in the UK has landed the WooRank Best SEO Agency Strategy Award for their work on The Social Golfer.
In its inaugural year, the Global online Website Business Auditing Tool for Small Businesses and Agencies, set about inviting web developers and agencies to submit their SEO strategies and results for the most improved client (or privately owned) websites over the last 12 months.
WooRank has customers and agencies users in over 150 countries and processes over 200K website audits a day for businesses all around the world. In a hotly contested first event, with winners from Canada, New Zealand, and Ecuador, MC2 Marketing in the UK came out top, following its work for online golf club and community and review site The Social Golfer.
During the last 18 months (during a pandemic year) MC2 Marketing team have increased the traffic to the golfing site from 4K Unique Users a month to 39K Unique monthly Users in August 2021.

The team also moved the site ranking in the Google listings from 75 page in the Top three position to 316 in 2021. In addition, the website saw the platform listed on Page 1 of Google for over 5K different search terms, including “Golf Societies” to bespoke content blogs like “Diversity in Golf – The Black Hole”.
Speaking on the win, Head of Strategy & Storytelling and agency founder, Ian Mullins, explained how this was achieved and on how they used WooRank, to make the difference.
“Firstly, I must start by saying how thrilled we were to hear MC2 have won this award. Getting good results for a client is, in itself, very satisfying, but to be voted for by your peers and win is priceless. Not only is it an endorsement and reward for the hard work the team have put in but also reward for the trust the client has put in us and the power of good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Much of the accolade should go to MC2 Lead website developer, Adam Croot. I appreciate his forensic attitude to restructuring the client site pages for both increased ‘Page Load Speed’s and ‘Core Web Vitals’ management but also his due diligence in identifying any site errors that can occur during the business calendar. But credit goes to the whole team, the content writers, the video makers and the site users themselves.”
Ian Mullins - Head of Straetgy & Storytelling
The awards were announced live on YouTube on 15th December by Director of Marketing at WooRank, Courtney Harrington, who on announcing the Winners, commended MC2 for their “unbelievable” increase in both their site scores and site traffic.
“MC2 have done a ‘tonne’ of targeted work on The Social Golfer and given they featured highly in a number of SEO categories, we decided it was better to give the overall award of Best Agency Strategy….not only have they seen a giant leap in site traffic but to also increase their keywords listing to over 300, 1-3 Google Ranking positions, over 5k, 4-10 Google Ranking positions and over 12K, in the 11-20 positions…that is ‘unbelievable!’. It’s definitely due to the dedication of the team at MC2 Marketing, Congratulations to them and The Social Golfer”.
Courtney Harrington - Head of Marketing WooRank (TSG), also based in Brentwood, is a fast-growing online golfing community – a place where you can make new friends, join local golf games, run local golf societies and local golf groups, join in chat and forum discussions, track your scores and establish a Handicap.
The Social Golfer system allows you to track your scores after every game and lets you compare your golf stats with your golfing friends and compete in the monthly TSG league table.
You can also upload your golfing photographs, share golf videos, and catch up on BBC Golf News feeds for free and take advantage of our member green fee offers.
In addition, lets you locate, read, review and rate over 25,000 local and worldwide golf courses and gather golf club information free of charge, such as green fees, scorecard details, Google maps and contact numbers.
The site currently has over 6,000 registered users in the UK and 12,000+ worldwide and in 2021 over 900 golf events were organised on the site by its members in 2021.
The site was also a winner in the 2015 Essex Digital Awards for Best Sport & Entertainment Website.
Furthermore, the site was the recipient of the Microsoft Start-Up of the day in 2010 following its launch and in its lifetime has raised more than £20K for golfing charities.
These include BALASA, British Inclusive Golf, The Scottish Blind Golf Association, Community Golf and Cancer Research UK.